To: Some CBC Newscasters & Reporters,
Forgive me for this generic e-mail but with an exception of a press release a
day after the Haitian earthquake tragedy, where-oh-where is Michael Ignatieff
regarding Haiti?
Sigh...must I do your investigations for you?
How many Canadians really care about prorogation especially when it a
distraction in focusing on the Haitian tragedy?
The previous Saturday (January 16, 2010) on the CBC News Channel, I was
impressed with the putting aside of political partisanship and that Prime
Minister: Stephen Harper acknowledged Jack Layton's input and advice about what
is being implemented and the logistical difficulties regarding Canada 's
response to the Haitian crisis.
It was gracious of Jack Layton to help the Prime Minister but I then realised -
where is Michael Ignatieff's and Gilles Duceppe's input during the Haitian
crisis? Even when I brought this up to average non-political people, they
noticed that there was nothing in the media regarding Michael Ignatieff
responding to the Haitian earthquake disaster.
Even though I have never voted federally Liberal, I am appalled at the lack of
a classical Liberal response regarding a national tragedy (earthquake in
Perhaps, it is true that parachuted Etobicoke-Lakeshore candidate and
opposition leader: Michael Ignatieff was truly pegged by his critics as being
arrogant and lacking practical compassion.
To reiterate, if any of you can find Michael Ignatieff, implore him to be
worthy of a credible opposition leader to do his duty in being an advisor and to
be supportive to the Stephen Harper government during the Haitians' need.
Attached to this e-mail is a Missing Poster - Michael Ignatieff for all of you
to distribute. Childfind?
television going to report Michael Ignatieff missing in action regarding Haiti
and hopefully I do not get any more .eml Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
viruses sent to me?
Mike Researcher
my name by request)
Researcher Web Site: http://mikeresearcher.blogspot.ca
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